Job title:
Technical Writer March 2019 - Present
Iris is a technical writer with a passion for new tech. She likes to stay up to date with the latest tech news, and enjoys helping others solve problems with computers, smartphones, and other electronic devices. She likes to share tips and tricks about electronic devices, games, software, etc.
Master of Science (MS), Environmental Sustainability and Green Technology
Bachelor of Arts (BA), Public Management

Articles by This Author
7 ways to solve 0x0000001E Blue Screen Error....
How to Fix Clownfish Voice Changer not Working Issue
Clownfish voice changer is one of the most popular voice translating applications in the world. This...
[FIXED] Windows 11 Start Menu Not Working
It could be annoying when you click the Start button or hit the Windows key but nothing happens. May...
[FIXED] WOW Screen Flickering Issue
Spend a weekend playing World of Warcraft on your computer but there’s brightness flickering on th...
[SOLVED] God of War “Not Enough Available Memory” Issue
God of War is a phenomenon-level game that attracts millions of gamers. It’s so annoying to re...
[Solved] How To Install Epson Printer Step-by-Step
You're looking for an installation guide for Epson printer? This is what you need--a step by step in...
[FIXED] New World Keeps Freezing
Amazon’s MMO New World has a very engaging and in-depth system that attracts gamers to play th...
[Solved] Windows 11 Taskbar Not Working
Windows 11 has been launched for months and many users have upgraded to Windows 11. But some users h...
[Solved] STOP: 0x0000001A Blue Screen Error Code
It's annoying when your PC crashes all of a sudden with a blue screen error message with stop code 0...
[Solved] Windows 10 Stuck or Not Updating
Is Windows 10 not downloading updates? Or Windows 10 Updating Service is not working properly? You'l...